Big Life with Ray Waters Neal Campbell no
How’s the Building Going?

How’s the Building Going?

Jane and I are finishing up a home renovation. We had the opportunity to purchase the house next door to us for Joyce, my 86 year old mother in law. The house is 70 years old and was in need of a pretty serious makeover. We have worked quite hard on the house the last...
Ready to Change

Ready to Change

Today you will do many things our of habit. It might be a good habit or it might be a bad habit. Some of these actions will propel you forward and some are keeping you stuck or even causing you to slip farther and farther away from the life you always dreamed of...
Scarcity and Abundance

Scarcity and Abundance

The big life only happens in people who believe it can happen in them. Henry Ford’s famous quote is true. “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” Sadly, many believe the die has been cast concerning their future. They...
Big Living Can Look a Lot Like You

Big Living Can Look a Lot Like You

Big living comes in all shapes and sizes. It is not the rich or the famous that necessarily are living large lives. It is everyday, average people who are choosing to live their lives extraordinary. It is women and men who decide they are not going to coast. They are...
The Importance of a Morning Routine

The Importance of a Morning Routine

For 40 years I have studied successful people from all different walks of life. I have found some similarities in their stories. One constant I have seen in almost every high achieving, ‘big life’ person is a thought out morning routine.  I think the brilliance of the...

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