Big Life with Ray Waters Neal Campbell no
Ray Waters | Living the BIG Life

I’m Ray Waters

Welcome to the story of how I live my life in a big way.

My wife, Jane, says I’ve always been about working to live a larger, more inclusive life. I call it the BIG LIFE, and honestly, that’s kind of a marketing phrase, I guess, but it’s still very much what I’m all about.

The BIG LIFE isn’t about being better, richer, prettier, smarter, skinnier, younger or more popular. It’s about figuring out how to live a life that has more fun, loves more people, helps more people, visits fascinating places, says, “YES!” to opportunity and says, “NO!” to fear, enjoys the tastiest food, takes risk, is healthy in a balanced way, and is self-designed to help you keep loving and growing and maximizing this wonderful life you’re living.

I am thrilled about the possibility of connecting with people who believe life is an ever expanding journey.


I have been speaking to groups of people, large and small, for over 30 years on how to live life to the fullest.  Now through this website I am excited about communicating weekly with people just like you who want to be challenged to larger living. I am anticipating putting out two to three blogs a week on this website with content that will hopefully be helpful to you. It will be free, informational, educational and motivational content that I would love to share.

My hope is that you will like what you see and you will feel a connection with my style and personality and that we can form a cyber relationship. Who knows, maybe we can become friends.

I am going to work very hard  to earn your trust and make our time together valuable for you.

What People are Saying

“When Ray Waters speaks, it doesn’t take long for the entire room to become engaged.  His knowledge and enthusiasm develop an authentic connection with the audience that keeps them either on the edge of their seats or grabbing notebooks to jot down notes!”

Rebekah Carlson

President-Elect, Northern Illinois Commercial Association of Realtors

Ray Waters is clearly the best kept secret in the world of corporate speaking.

“The motivational principles Ray employs are woven through the fabric of his being and coupled with his personal life experiences; forms the greatest recipe for inspiring the young and the young at heart.”

Brian Frey
Producing Director
Patel Conservatory at the David A. Straz Jr. Center for the Performing Arts

I'm more productive and focused on the things that matter the most, thanks to Ray!

“Delighting audiences with his delivery and vast knowledge, Ray imparts life-changing fundamentals on time-management, stress-management, and coping skills that will restore the joy of everyday living.”

Craig Hardegree
Attorney at Law
Hardegree Law Firm, P.C.

Can't Wait to Hear Him Speak Again!

Ray was very inspiring and brought up very good points; such as having intentional focus and getting out of our comfort zones!  I am still working on what I want my goal or dream for my life to be, but he gave us some very helpful tools to get there and I am already thinking of little things that I can do to start!  I also bought his book today and as soon as I get home tonight I am going to read it!

Fae Wardrip
Coordinator, Accredited Business Services
Atlanta Better Business Bureau

So Encouraging

“Thank you for encouraging me to fulfill my promise to make appointments with myself for ME time.  I spend so much time ensuring my home has everyone’s needs covered that I’m stretched, and by the end of the day, too tired to spend time with the unread books & magazines that continue to pile up, the collection of music that I love, and to just be still.”

Ellen Prator
Coordinator Accredited Business Services
Better Business Bureau

"Very uplifting and encouraging and a great reminder of who I aim to be in my journey of life. Sometimes we forget our path and have to be reminded."

Crystal McPherson
Trade Practice Specialist
Atlanta Better Business Bureau

Meet Ray!

I am a husband, father, and grandfather who has spent his life trying to help people acquire the principles needed to live the highest quality life possible.

I am an entrepreneur who has started businesses in the ‘for profit’ and the ‘non profit’ sector…and I have made it my life’s work to help people live richer, fuller, more satisfying lives.

I love motivating people and organizations to become better and more productive than they ever imagined.

I am at my core an encourager of people. I believe in all of us there is potential beyond our wildest imagination. I hope you will feel my encouragement as we spend a few minutes together two to three times a week.

I live in Atlanta, Georgia with my wife, Jane, who is my absolute best friend.

We are the proud parents of three grown children…all married to fantastic spouses, and grandparents to eight beautiful grandchildren, who affectionately call us Big and Mimi.

Ray and Jane Waters

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